& Lifestyle Assessment

  • Tried on your own.

    You’ve tried on your own and I bet you are convinced you have some rare disease or are more lost than before.

  • Nothing else has worked.

    After going to your family GP and explaining what has been happening you’re still left with no concrete direction.

  • A friend steps in.

    Your friend mentioned they have worked with a holistic practitioner after they too were left with no answers or being unheard and how they finally felt like someone listened to them.

Assessing the Climb

What’s Included:

  • 30-minute assessment where we go over your Lifestyle and Nutritional Profile Systems

  • 7-day custom meal and lifestyle plan tailored to your goal

Who is this for?

An assessment is for people who need quick one-time information and guidance on one main goal they are dealing with and no long-term help.

You may have just found out you are Celiac and need some guidance on how to navigate this new dietary path with a few recipes and resource guides.

Or maybe you need some quick actionable tips on how to increase your sleep.

Who is this not for?

An assessment is not for people who have long-term wellness goals and need continued support and resources to reach those goals.

You want to lose 30 pounds in 6 months and need weekly meal and lifestyle plans along with accountability calls to keep you on track.

You were just on antibiotics for a month and you need long-term help restoring your gut functioning.

Get a clear outline of areas that you need to address for your goal.

  • We go through things like sleep cycles, dietary intake, stress levels, personal and family medical history, and what you do for work to get a clear picture of what you are all about.

  • Together we go through a Nutritional Profile Systems Assessment where we will be able to clearly review which body systems need support.

  • I provide you with your clearly outlined results of the areas that need attention so you can do your own research on how to address these areas as well as a 7-day meal plan and resources tailored to support your goal.

  • If you feel overwhelmed by all this new information or need some additional support addressing your flagged body systems 1:1 nutritional consulting is available.
    Assessment cost would be subtracted from a custom coaching package.

Wellness Assessment

Your body,
Your life.

Book a free 15-minute consultation to see if a Nutritional & Lifestyle Assessment is right for you!

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