A passion for holistic wellness that started with illness.

Welcome to my little corner of wellness

I’m Emily!

My goal is to help everyday people who want to improve their lives with sustainable, safe and practical nutritional, physical and emotional changes that can be applied to their everyday lives.

Nutrition is SO MUCH more than just following a fad diet plan.

My passion is to support people who want to take the next steps in finding what works for
THEIR body through

• nutrition and lifestyle support •
• mind-body connection •
• custom recipe/meal plan creation •
• personalized supplement recommendations •
and more!


Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant,
Natural Nutrition Diploma
Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

FIS - Fitness Instructor Specialist

Professional Life Coach
Udemy Academy Inc.


Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Alumni Association

FIS - Fitness Instructor Specialist

Volleyball Alberta
Club Volleyball Head Coach

Professional Standings

What exactly is a
Holistic Nutrition Consultant?

We are educated professionals who help people understand the benefits of natural nutrition by combining modern science with the “time-tested wisdom” that every individual has their own nutritional needs. Our approach includes mind-body-spirit connections and understands that these three areas are essential to properly address ones overall wellness.

Why I went into this career.

After my rollercoaster of health issues, I saw the importance of taking my wellness into my own hands. This led me to see the lack of attention and education people had around their bodies and knew this was something that I could see forming a career around.

As a nature lover, I always preferred the natural approach to wellness and when I learned that there was a career path that aligned with my moral beliefs I knew it was the one for me.

Why work with a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant?

“Holistic Nutritional Consultant professionals, typically evaluate their clients’ nutritional needs by identifying symptoms that indicate health imbalances. They then provide individualized health plans, which include nutrient-dense whole foods, lifestyle recommendations and/or natural source supplements in order to help bring the client’s health back to a state of equilibrium. They assess their clients’ health through one-on-one consultations and focused questionnaires, and then provide health and lifestyle recommendations that are tailored to the individual’s needs.”


“What education does a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant have?”

“Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultants are educators in wellness and prevention. Their comprehensive education focuses on science, body functions and symptoms, whole foods and quality food production and processes, natural source supplements, healthy lifestyle practices, and the connections between the body, mind and spirit.”

“They are educated on the functions of the digestive, immune and other whole-body systems. They are trained to recognize food intolerance and allergies, blood sugar fluctuations, and the multiple causes of inflammation, which are the source of many common health conditions. “


“I have coverage for “Nutritionists” with my benefits, can I use this on your services?”

Check with your insurance to see if one of the following is on your coverage list:

  • Registered Holistic Nutritionist

  • Holistic Nutrition Practitioner

  • Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant

  • Holistic Nutrition Counselling/Coaching

The title “Nutritionist” is protected differently in each province, resulting in different coverage limitations. In Alberta, for example, the term Nutritionist is trademarked by the Dieticians Colage, Vs. provinces like B.C. where the terms are their own separate modalities.

If you have a wellness/ health spending account these may be used for my services but please check with your benefits provider first for specific practitioner coverage.

Not sure? That’s okay! I can make you a quote you can submit to your insurance to check for coverage.

“How are you different from a Dietician?”

Holistic Nutrition is about looking at the WHOLE body plus: sleep, stress, movement, hydration, and more.

To learn more please refer to the following links:

Dietitians / Nutritionist

Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant

Self portait of Emily with her Diabetes technology Holistic Nutrution Consultant and Life coach alberta
I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes at 25 years old then Celiac Disease 3 months later.

My Story

Like many in the professional health and wellness community, my journey started when my health took a turn. I’ve always been an active, healthy, lively person who has never broken a bone or had any major injuries. Growing up I played all the sports, indoor and outdoor, summer and winter, and never had any issues with stamina or lag in strength. My body worked how it should.

I remember sitting on the couch at 9 at night and out of nowhere the left side of my face went numb and my vision started to go blurry. Long story short, after an exhausting 7 hours in the ER with endless blood tests, scans and everything in between the doctor walks in and says you never told us you were Diabetic. I remember kind of laughing in my sleepless state and saying “I’m not diabetic.” That night in the ER my blood sugar was at 29 mmol/dl. A non-diabetic person's blood sugar levels should never be above 8 mmol/dl. I was discharged at a whooping 18 mmol/dl and said “A specialist should give you a call in a few days.” It wasn’t after some good ole “Dr. Googling” I realized I was still sitting at a dangerously high number and called my family doctor in a panic.

Fast forward a few months after many nights of crying and asking into the dark “Why me”, endless needle pokes, bruises and slowly learning how to navigate this new lifelong rollercoaster, I went and got some routine T1D blood work done. And to my dismay, I tested positive for Celiac disease. So off for a gastrointestinal scope I went and was diagnosed with severe scaring on my stomach lining from long-term gluten exposure while being an undiagnosed Celiac, and was instructed to immediately remove any gluten-containing foods from my diet. Now looking back at my life growing up I always had stomach aches. I’d eat something and within 20-20 minutes I was in the washroom and as this was quite embarrassing I never looked into it, now it all made sense. Soon after my Celiac Diagnosis, I was tested for GERD, Gastrointestinal Esophagal Reflux Disease, which is the heartburn that does damage, and what would you know, I had GERD as well.

Now the GERD thing may not be a huge topic in my health journey but it does tie in HUGE to why I decided to go into Holistic wellness. What I haven’t mentioned above is the countless ER visits with heart ultrasounds, chest x-rays and stress tests, with extreme chest pain, and left arm tingling, neck shoulder and jaw pain. Every time they ran their tests, looked me over and said “You’re fine, probably just anxiety.” It wasn't until after being in class and talking about GERD and the symptoms it can present that it clicked. ALL of my unexplained chest, arm, shoulder, neck, and jaw pain were symptoms of GERD. Which BTW, GERD and Celiac Disease are very closely connected through an impaired digestive and intestinal system. No one had ever taken the time to look at my medical records and make the connection.


Now let's be clear. I am not bashing the medical system. Without it, I would have slowly slipped into a diabetic coma and passed away before the end of 2020.
We need it like we need air. Or like Insulin…

But, after all my experiences, positive or not, I knew I was meant for this new career path of teaching and helping people be their best advocate for their body because it's the only one we have, so why wouldn’t we give it the best chance possible? 

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to read my story.

I hope it helped you realize that you are not alone in your wellness journey.

If you’d like to know more about how I can help you achieve your goals click the button below to book a free 15-minute consultation.


The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Emily McDonald, Everyday Wellness with Em. Please note that Emily McDonald, Everyday Wellness with Em is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified healthcare professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnoses and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your healthcare regimen.

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diet, healthy food, nutrition, health food, food for health, healthy diet, healthy eating, diet foods, balanced diet, blood sugar management, high blood sugar, low blood sugar, nutritionist, mindful eating, nutritionist near me, diet foods , health food healthy, type two diabetes, type one diabetes, holistic nutritionist, holistic wellness, diabetes management, insulin resistance, stress, adrenals, chronic stress