Emily, Your Local Holistic Nutrition Coach

Time for a little re-introduction!

As you have probably figured out already my name is Emily!

The personal:

• I am a pet mom of 2 large dogs and 2 cats (who think they are dogs)
• I'm in the healthiest, happiest, and most supportive relationship I could have ever dreamed of
• I live in Central Alberta, Canada. Leduc specifically
• I love gardening and watching things grow
• I am obsessed with being outside no matter the season or temperature
• I love audiobooks and podcasts
• I am a type one diabetic
• I am the head coach of the ACE Leduc U14 girls' club volleyball team
• I used to work In South East Asia as a travel photographer
• I was previously in the marketing field for 7 years
• My favourite food is steak
• I am allergic to gluten, shellfish, bell peppers and garlic

The professional:

• Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant
• Group Fitness Instructor Specialist
• Diploma in Design Studies majoring in marketing, graphic design, and photography

My desire to change careers stemmed from my health journey and seeing that a lot of people, like myself, needed more support than they were being given.

This bloomed into a desire to help others who are struggling and give them the support they need to feel themselves again, or even find themselves for the first time. 🫶

I Help People…

• Find confidence

• Build sustainable habits

• Create a healthy lifestyle

• Discover their strength

• Form positive mindsets

• Learn to love their bodies

• Shape their future

• Grow self-confidence

• Show themselves it's possible to reach their goals

• Realize they hold the key to their happiness right in their own hands and just need someone to guide them to the right door.

There's nothing quite like using your passion and knowledge to help others live their best lives and show them most of the magic comes from choosing themselves for once.

Ready to take the first step towards feeling alive again?

15-Minute Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultation

We go over:

  • What your goals are and why you are working towards those goals

  • What your life looks like now and how we can make small modifications to get you working towards your goals

  • The importance of accountability & realistic timelines when setting a goal so you can feel empowered and see results

  • What you need from me to help you feel your best and get you where you want & need to be

Change is always easier when you have someone who is on your team


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