Pay What You Can Program.
Your health shouldn’t be sacrificed because of a dollar sign.
There have been way too many times in the past when I’ve heard the line
“I wish I could, but I can’t afford it.”
in places like pharmacies or grocery stores.
whether you need help eating healthy, nutritional support for an ailment, guidance on how to save money on food, meal plans for you and your family that are healthy but affordable, etc.
No matter your financial situation,
I am here to help.
Available for:
Wellness Assessment
One Month 1:1 Nutritional and Lifestyle Custom Plan
This program is specifically designed for people who need nutritional advice, guidance and support but may not be able to fork out the cost of a full-priced service.
There is absolutely no judgement of your situation and, along with your personal information, your financial state is kept completely private.
How it works:
Fill in the application below
Wait for an email from me to confirm your request
Purchase the Wellness Assessment or 1 Month 1:1 Consulting
Fill out the liability paperwork
Start working with me towards your goals
It’s that easy.
No questions asked.
No judgement.
Completely private.
No hidden fees.
Apply now!
Financially stable and want to help?
You can purchase a gift card
for them to use towards the
Pay What You Can Program!